About Us
Our mission is to make
Precision Oncology a standard of care.
We develop diagnostic tests that identify the unique properties of each patients’ cancer to inform clinicians on how best to manage their disease. Through innovation and collaboration, we help clinicians decide on the right treatment for every patient at the right time.
Our Vision
To develop and offer state-of-the-art diagnostic tests to provide patients exemplary personalized cancer care.
- Guiding cancer care better
Appropriateness of care. It’s what we are all striving for. Appropriateness of care includes giving the right treatment to every person at the right time. It’s good for patients and good for doctors.
Oncologists use their experience and judgment to select the best treatments for their patients. But sometimes those treatments can be toxic and seriously affect their patients’ quality of life. And, they can be costly.
- What if there was a better way?
By developing tools for Precision Medicine, we can identify the right treatment for every patient. Qualisure Diagnostics is dedicated to creating those tools. Using cutting-edge machine-learning approaches, we decode the tumor’s genome, identifying the unique molecular signatures that predict how a person’s cancer will behave. We use those signatures to engineer our clinical tests. And our clinical tests have the capability to guide important clinical decisions, helping health care teams decide on the best, most appropriate treatment that will ultimately have the best outcome with the least toxic effects.
Our Values

Innovation With Purpose
We are dedicated to developing valuable tools for precision medicine.

Patient Focus
We believe that patients with cancer are individuals, and treatments can be personalized.

Good Science
We back our claims with appropriate and transparent data analysis.

We recognize that great progress requires input from diverse strengths, ideas and perspectives.


Our Story
Cancer is Personal
To QualisureDx Cancer is Personal
Qualisure Diagnostics is focused on building tools that will help to personalize cancer care. It’s very easy to view a company as an inanimate entity, forgetting that the people who built it have (for their own personal reasons) been driven to create a mission and a vision. To our founders, interest and scientific curiosity represented a launch pad for our careers in oncology and cancer research. But eventually, as with almost anyone who has been on this Earth for some time, we have witnessed and experienced our own personal challenges and tragedies. As a result, we have come to appreciate and feel the frustrations resulting from the limitations of our current standards of cancer care.
Oliver Bathe, MD is a surgical oncologist and professor of surgery and oncology at the University of Calgary. His clinical practice focused on treating cancers of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract – some of the most aggressive tumor types known. There were innumerable conversations with patients and families on the pros and cons of various treatments. There were many discussions on whether a treatment may be beneficial. Some patients became friends, and then some friends became patients, and family became patients as well.
Cynthia Stretch, PhD is a cancer biologist and a bioinformatician. She takes very complex molecular data and identifies patterns that have clinical and biological meaning. The numbers she analyzes are from real people. Friends and family have become some of those numbers.
Farshad Farshidfar, MD, PhD is a computational biologist. Like Cynthia, he transforms complex sets of numbers to simple truths and novel insights. Farshad has lost family members to cancer. His experience has informed him of the limits of clinical science and the uncertainty of traditional cancer treatments.
David Bocking has a business background. He helps start-ups to realize commercialization. One day, Oliver and Farshad attended one of his courses, sharing their idea of bringing what they learned in a research lab to the clinic. He was immediately intrigued. His connection to their purpose was personal, as he too had lost loved ones to the ravages of cancer after extended periods of toxic treatment that had no benefit.
And so, while Qualisure Diagnostics is the result of more than 25 years of research and clinical experience, we cannot overemphasize that to us, Cancer is Personal.