Personalizing Your
Cancer Journey
Precision Diagnostics

Who We Are
Qualisure Diagnostics Inc. develops molecular tests that enhance cancer care by identifying features that help oncologists personalize treatment.
Understanding which cancers are indolent or aggressive, and which ones are more likely to respond to certain treatments can guide treatment strategy.
Through innovation and collaboration, we help clinicians decide on the right treatment to provide personalized cancer care to every patient.
Introducing Thyroid GuidePx®
Helping guide your papillary thyroid cancer treatment journey!
Latest News
Prognostication with Thyroid GuidePx in the context of tall cell variants
The tall cell variant of papillary thyroid cancer generally has a worse prognosis compared with the classical variant. Thyroid GuidePx is a genomic classifier capable of classifying papillary thyroid cancer into 3 molecular subtypes using fine-needle aspirate. Type 1 and 2 have low recurrence rates, particularly in early tumors (1–4 cm and N0). Type 3 is characterized by aggressive biology and high recurrence rates regardless of size and lymph node status. The study examines the interaction of tall cell variant histology with Thyroid GuidePx risk stratification.
Abstract: RAI GuidePx: A robust predictor for radioactive iodine sensitivity status in papillary thyroid cancer leveraging thyroid differentiation genes.
Abstract: 0539American Thyroid Association Annual MeetingOct 30 – Nov 3, 2024 This is early work describing the development of an algorithm for predicting resistance to RAI. The internal validation is
Abstract: Molecular subtypes in radiation induced papillary thyroid cancer using Thyroid GuidePx.
Abstract: 0551American Thyroid Association Annual MeetingOct 30 – Nov 3, 2024 Here we wanted to explore whether the biology captured by our prognostic test, Thyroid GuidePx, was present in radiation

The Technological Drivers Powering Precision Oncology
Previously, we talked about some of the factors that will enhance the adoption of precision oncology. But at its core, precision oncology utilizes a powerful toolbox of technologies that have fundamentally
Unique Thyroid Cancer Tests: New Hope Unveiled
Exciting Development in Thyroid Cancer Treatment: The Clinical Trial Vanguard Features Executive Interview on Innovative Thyroid Cancer Tests. Special thanks to Moe Alsumidaie and The Clinical Trial Vanguard for sharing

Understanding Radioactive Iodine Resistance in Thyroid Cancer: Overcoming Treatment Challenges
Understanding Radioactive Iodine Resistance in Thyroid Cancer: Overcoming Treatment Challenges Radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy is a common and effective treatment for thyroid cancer. However, in some cases, patients may not